Defend Our Right to Bear Arms
Welcome to Our Country Our Choice Volunteer’ site for Defend “Election Integrity”. This page is run by our amazing, hard-working Volunteers with a special interest to protect, defend and stand up to Defend our Election Integrity in USA. Our group of engaged and active Volunteers significantly grow day by day and we urge you to act too. On this site we share information and news from across our country, update with latest Our Country Our Choice actions, provide documents and, have our own discussion forums where you all can share stories and information among likeminded.
Some of the features needs to have a registration. You can register easily below, and we kindly ask if you to become a supporting member. Supporting members are adding their voices to the masses of defenders who are laboring to achieve fundamental change in the way America is governed. Supporting members help Our Country Our Choice defray the costs associated with Volunteer operations. These include travel, lodging, technology, and related expenses. We understand that contributing during difficult economic times to these activities is not a small matter. As a result, we have created different options for your consideration. The options are monthly amounts ranging from: $2, $5, or $10 to whatever amount you decide makes sense for you.
Thank you and we hope you enjoy our material and share it with as many families and friends as possible.
Feel free to leave a comment where you think we can improve but also issues we need to investigate.